For over 200 years, the monks of Westmalle have been choosing to live a life of prayer and work. True to the Rule of Saint Benedict, they ensure their own means of sustenance. For this reason, there is a farm, a cheese dairy and a brewery inside the walls of the Trappist abbey. The monastery, Abdij der Trappisten van Westmalle, is located in the village of West Malle, Province of Antwerp, Belgium, and was founded in 1794 by a group of monks from Abbey of La Trappe fleeing the French Revolution. The monks adopted some of the rules of their former Trappist abbey, including one that allowed the monks to drink one measure of cider or table beer each day. The monks opted for beer, and the Westmalle brewery was born.


Malle, Belgium




The Extra Trappist Wesmalle Ale may have a low alcohol content of 4.8%: it is surprisingly full-bodied in taste. In addition, this golden blonde trappist beer has a very refreshing and thirst-quenching character. With its fruity touches and rich aromas, the Extra stands for a taste experience that is op-en-top Westmalle. This is one of the oldest beers of the Abbey of Westmalle. In 1836, the monks first brewed a tasteful, light beer for their own use. The Extra originated from this tradition.

ABV - 4.8%